Sure -- send your woman over with some cash and i'll send her home happy JOKING ! SHESH !
its my own damn fault for having to sell it - if i was working constantly ( which there nothing local worth working at to make any kinda living ) i wouldn't be able to drive it year round any ways . It wasn't ready for the road yet any ways - a good friend is trading me a 89 b2200 extended cab and some loot for it . i am already planning ahead for the new truck .. but i won't bet on it til this happens - its still in the air cause he wants to come look at it - its got everything except paint and inteiror , and the little bit of work left to get it to stop , exhaust .
i'll have to see what happens here im thinking within the next 4 days i hope to have the other truck . if and when i do i'll get some pix . L8