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General Discussion \  man never get your self in a situation like i did.

man never get your self in a situation like i did.

General Discussion
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replies 5
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bagged89mazda   +1y
i been out of "legit" work sense september of last year . Its been so long sense i punched a actual time clock i don't even remember the last phsyical day i worked legit . Sense then i was doing my own deal running my own business. til hell broke loose and my daily busted permently in march 06 . so basically i haven't done shit work wise sense . Yea i am a loafer . A MOOCH . whatever you want to call me . I know i suck and i am paying the price of it now ( see my truck ad classifieds) ... I JUST got done filling out a online application for ups . man sitting there anad trying to remember what days you started and ended is getting difficult . i don't care if you've been working and you decide its time for a change .. Example some ppl actually make it almost a carrer working at 1 place for 4 years or more . your in a routine the idea you aren't leaving any time soon don't even come to mind . Til one day things happen - a) you quit b) you get fired c) you decide its time for a new enviorment .

Man like i said i just got done fillin the application out - its for part time - part time hrs are 4 hrs a nite - average 20 hrs a week at 8.50 -9.50 an hr. they say your weekly take home would be 110 -150 a wk . Wtf . non the less its a job and a starting point i guess .I can still do side work during the day if i get my self a new fullsize truck ... As it stands i have a appointment to tour this joint at 6:30 monday nite damn tour is gona be 90 -120 mins long ( bet its not and its like 40 mins lol .) Hopefully they hire me and i can get some cash rolling in .

ON A SIDE NOTE : my 900th post ! woot ! Took me long enough LOL i wasn't able to get online thats why its been slacking with posts lol
thetornado   +1y
good to hear that you taking steps forward though. as i always say, every experience and hard thing in life can be learned from. you can get depressed and let it hold you down but in the end you dont get anwywhere.
good luck with the UPS, when you get there on monday for the tour make sure u ask everyone that works there..."So, what can brown do for me?"

and keep us updated this weekend on what happens with the truck. make sure you take a fwe last pics with her before she leaves.
baggedb22   +1y
Sucks u gotta get rid of the truck bro, How comes u don't just find a full time job? Living on $150 a weeks gonna be alittle ruff but is way better then nothing...
bagged89mazda   +1y

well - i know i won't be able to do much with 150 a wk . If the truck sells this weekend i'm going to buy another fullsize truck again i think -- and start doing my side work during the day if i can and then going to ups (if i get hired) i don't like doing two jobs but i've done it before . I THINK i can make an easy 200-300 a day if i put some effort into finding ppl who need shit done. if things turn for the up and up- i'll be on the look out for another mazda b2200 probably a extended cab and it will get bags (at least the front will be ) But a.t.m i am just gona worry bout what happens now and not into the future .

thanks for the replies.
nytrdr24   +1y
just a thought, my brother went to an interview @ ups for the same sorta thing, a family friend got his foot in the door.....the only way to get on full time with ups is to start out part time....and after 6 months or so it will turn into a full time job.....any who they pay good & have good benefits.....if you get the part time position put your all into it, & the will put you on perminate....which with regular raises & good benefits it could turn out to be a good job....

good luck!
thetornado   +1y
one of my best freinds works for UPS. He started out for like $7/hour working 4-8am, only got 20 hrs a week. but they helped pay for up to $3,000 reimbursement for his college at the time. also has benefits coming to him in december after hes been working for a full year.
after about 7 months, they just offered him a supervisor posistion. get this, he works the same hours, but supervises, and gets $350 a week salary. that comes out to be $17.50/hour and will pay up to 4 grand a semester for college. pretty good for a part time job while hes still in school.
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