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General Discussion \  Bagged In Winter

Bagged In Winter

General Discussion
views 4485
replies 30
following 16
maztang (ryan)   +1y

hell yeah i am way down here in texas i haven't even given winter a second thought on bagging my truck. haha.
boon   +1y
i drove my bagged cavy in the winter... no problems at all... mine u i live in victoria
slammed83mazda   +1y

also keep in fact all of your valves were probably never exposed to the winter cold.
cid (dale)   +1y
Ya up here it gets to about -20 to -35. I think i'll find a beater. I'm going to ask my dad to use his mazda in the winter and save some cash and get her done.

GTA People- Does anyone know where I could get my truck bagged for a good price? Any custom shops around downtown or outside that anyone knows of?

Thanks for all the comments guys, this is a good thread .

madmazda   +1y
Cid, i would see a problem in bagging it and driving it throughout the winter if need, like a few others said, semi's do it...but if you can get it done "before" winter hits (snow on ground), you really shouldnt have a problem, or maybe once the snow's gone would be your best bet if you need a daily. atleast you can walk if needed somewhere, and not freeze your ass off, if you know what i mean...

And Sorry to get off topic here, but krewzlo, your only about 3hrs from me...Any pics of your Ride?
sierrax   +1y
Try Low Down. Its about an hour outside of Toronto and does some of the best air ride setups around. Thats where I got my Sierra done and my old Mazda. Ask anyone who went to the truck nats in London, there was about 15 lowdown trucks there, they do awesome work. Air starts at around $4000 for a complete setup.

Other than them you have Altered Altitudes in Scarbourgh, Solo Customs in Whitby, Underworld Customs in Burlington, StreetWerks in Oshawa and more that I just can't think of now.

boon   +1y

very true
mazdamandan   +1y
I'm probably the most northern of all of us, I have to buy brand new AWD vehicles to use in winter and I only drive my Mazda in the summer, I take the insurance off end of sept, and store my truck, then the body work starts. we have at least 6 months of winter up here, Some years it has snowed every month of the year!!!!
Although global warming has made the last couple of years easier than before,
Its typical to average-45 C for weeks on end
mazdamandan   +1y
I have to concur on the semi issue, I work in the furniture industry, we get semi trailers 2 x a week and they all run air bags BIG ONES, and we unload trucks in -45 all of the time, I've never heard a trucker a complain
nothinbutcowboy   +1y
well, if you keep ALL the moisture out of the system... what else could go wrong? ... i'm hoping to bag my truck before winter... i hear they don't plow alot of the roads in calgary... they just plow the main ones... and i had a hard enough time last winter with a static drop, on plowed roads... i wanna be able to get up above the weather... obviously u guys are saying it isn't recomended.. but hell, i can walk to my work in 20 minutes... grocery store and liquor store are 5 mins away... i can afford to be without a truck if i HAD too ...

i'm trying to get ready, and get it bagged though before winter hits... what else shoudld i worry about other than a good water seperator