shaved the antenna, somebody made a mess of that w a CB ariel.
shaved emblem holes, shaved cowl, and hand shaped some fender insde lips, I like the way they look after paint, it really cleans up the fender wells.
this is rough by the way, no fillers yet. I dont like fillers I will do as much metalwork as possible.
thanks guys, I don't wanna do any more with those pieces until I have them on the body to smooth in with everything else.
Hey Mikey, the Lincoln handy core 100 is 399 @ Crappy tire ( Canadian Tire ) It works well for sheetmetal, its only good for up to 1/8" steel, its flux core so theres a little more clean up ( slag and spattering ) than a gas mig set up. But its good for a beginner.
I need to buy a bigger welder for suspension work soon.
if your wondering what size welder and what ampage the welder needs to be here's a link for miller welders. i took 4 years of welding in high school, and the last two years of high school i would weld for 1/2 of my classes each day in welding class. miller welders were the shit back then and most fab shops use them today (that i noticed, if i'm wrong please correct me)
please realize this, as i did when working with rock crawlers, buy a quality welder the first time. there are welders out there that can do sheet metal and chassis work. if you have a quality welder there should be no reason why a solid weld should not hold unless the welder (himself) needs more practice.
yeah dan I've seen that welder,it's on sale here too. I figured it might be good enough for what I need,like welding patch pieces into my bed and wheel wells,and maybe welding in a roll pan. My step dad has an arc welder,but that'll melt through the Mazda's metal like a hot knife through butter.
For $300,can't really go wrong for that welder kit. I saw some other kits at crappy tire for like $500-700. It's not like I'm cutting up my truck or my frame or anything,it's basically just light bodywork.
We'll see what Santa brings me this year. I've been really good.
yeah , scarecrow, miller is the shizzy.
I think that the millermatic 135 would suit me, no rewiring the garage, (115v) it works with aluminum, stainless, and up to 3/16" materials. I think I could do everything I need with that.
$640 w/out trolley