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General Discussion
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scarecrow   +1y
reguardless if you disagree or support the wars in afghanistan or iraq everyone supports the troops (or at least they say they do). until now there was nothing much that the general public was able to do to ease the financal burden for Wounded In Action (WIA) or Killed In Action (KIA) service members or their families. there is now a organigation that is giving back to those soldiers and families, it's called . please take the time and read through and please if nothing else donate at least $1 or by a shirt or a sticker. the owner of the site doesn't get any of it, all of it is just for the soldiers and their families. the money is helping guys like you and me. they just stuck their necks alittle further out for this counrty and payed the ulimate price for it. please i beg ya please help these guys out every penny helps. i thank ya for your time.

spc josh smith
3/3 sfg(a)
crazymikey   +1y
Is this just for the US troops or the Canadians too?

I don't necessarily agree with the war,but I have the utmost respect for ALL of the troops,Canadian and American,who put their lives on the line to keep us safe at home and abolish terrorism for good.
gravity5   +1y
Abolish terrorism for that is a utopian dream....I too wish we could have "peace". and yeah is this deal for the US only or CDNs too....
crazymikey   +1y
Just a thought...

By retaliating with violence and war against terrorst acts,are we not contradicting the idea of peace? The more we fight back against terrorism,the more terrorist acts there will be. The terrorists praise death,so the toll of human life is no concern for them,while thw western world cherishes life and peace.

But,it does take these acts to rid the world of the people who commit these acts of terrorism. You can't simply catch them and lock them up for good. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like terrorism is going to go away any time soon. Just look at how out of control violence and guns are becoming in North America. For nations that love peace and life,we sure seem to kill and hurt a hell of a lot of each other.
mazdamandan   +1y
yeah, good point mikey.
Evil begets evil.
Unfortunately its the bad in all men that manifests hate and suffering, it stems from hate racism and greed, just to name a few.
There is good, and there is hope, but If I quote the bible again , well we know what happens then.
So I'll just stop right there.
scarecrow   +1y

damn with that futrune cookie i'd better get an all you can eat buffet. lol .... my insite of it is nuke these sorry ass mother *******.
pancaked   +1y
well its difficult to understand from america because the news is designed to make you watch it. There is a difference for the better being made here and you guys and even me whos clearance is a little higher dont get to know the real answers all we can do is have blind faith that this is the right thing to do. you have to remember that the world is very finely connected and operations are ran behind our backs for reasons we will never know. the news reports what they think is happening because if given the true story no matter how much civilians want to rubber neck, people like me die. but anyways this is a great organization i have never heard of them before but with all orgs i think that they should be researched and made sure that they are not only non profit but see how much of your money auctly goes towards the cause. would you believe that some of these organizations only donate 70 percent while some guy at the top makes 5 million a year to oversee it. kinda hinky. all companys will tell you exactly how much they donate well have a good day and remember that there are all these organizations but when i got hit the first time i didnt see any of it, and neither have my friends. not bitter just realistic
crazymikey   +1y

Unfortunately,nuking them all almost seems like the only way to stop it. As I was watching the news with my parents this evening,we ended up discussing how it just seems like this war will never end. There are too many radical extremists over there,and for every one that you knock out,there are more who follow in their footsteps. As much as I feel disgusted to say it, it almost seems like it needs to take a page from the books of Hitler to rid the world of a civilization. You know that means the slaughtering of millions of innocent people,and I couldn't even fathom the thought of the world going through another Holocaust-type event,but if that really is what it takes to stop this for good,it may be the only way out in the end. Children are born in the Middle East and are taught and raised to hate Americans. It's sickening. And this is the root of the evil. The children learn from their parents,and these children will pass it onto their children,and it will become a never ending cycle of violence and hate.

Do we destroy them before they go too far and destroy us?

I could go on with all the thoughts circling in my head,and I know some of what I posted is pretty extreme. These not not necessarily ideas I agree with,but just a brainstorm,and yeah,I think it's pretty scary too.
pancaked   +1y
you would really be suprised at the difference being made a lot of the people here are just afraid, they are poor and the al queda and taliban pays well i dont blame them for trying to off me as much as i blame the society, we need to fix it (and unfortunatly they wont let me off them too much haha) there are very strict rules about when its ok to fire and when its not and violation puts you in jail for a very very long time if you kill one you make 20 enemys(his whole family) there has never been joy in ending ones life cause its never the ones you want its always some kid who just doesnt know any better or some guy just trying to feed his family. because the big shots are too smart to be out there doing this stuff. they are paying poor people with no other options (with money from drugs and singers like cat stevens and prob nancy pelosi haha)
crazymikey   +1y
yeah,and unfortunately that is the reality. these countries are so poor and have such little infrastructure and economy there is little choice for them for what they can to do to feed their families.

This war is going on 5 years now. If you think about it,this technically is World War III,it's just been renamed 'the war against terrorism' by the media. Which that is the underlying point,but half the world is fighting against this one part of the world to stop this killing factory called the Middle East.

What does it take to defuse this ticking time bomb of destruction?