LOL, I just read this post now.
I've been sick for a while or at work, and havent been checkin in. I mean I'm almost on here as much as Crazy Mikey, it would suck to get banned!
It's interesting how I made yall think with a little side point I was making.
Let me explain.
For me its all bout the golden rule, and doing my best to follow in Christs steps, and I dont expect everyone to share my views, and I would never force my ideals on anyone because that would also be unchristian, Jesus did not persecute anyone, instead he "called out " those who profess to be righteous, and proved to be tyrannical or unloving in their teachings. Unfortunately we see a lot of that and its done in his name, and those ones shall render their own account before the almighty.
So here it is, for me to be christian, I would go to jail, before I would enlist.
It's simple, I must obey god rather than men. I shall not kill. One of the ten commandments.
I would never say anything disrespecting the troops either. I have not and would never even join an antiwar protest. That would not be fair or respectful of others sacrifices.
Jesus said "I am no part of this world , just as you must not be any part of this world".
But, he also said "pay Ceasars things to ceasar and Gods things to God"
He made it clear in his teachings that God must be obeyed first, so if there is a conflict, I must put Gods principles first.
I value all of you weather we have differing lifestyles or opinions in our unique mini truckin brotherhood. ('love your nieghbour")
Ghandi said, (although not a christian) "If all men followed the counsel given by your christ at the sermon on the mount the world would be at peace".
I could go on forever, but I'll leave this last thought with whoever has bothered to read all of this, and managed to not take offense, what I wrote earlier sounds mushy to some but, I am a Man , I am not weak, I try to lead my life as an example of Christ, this is what it means to be christian. Its harder being different, of course nobody is perfect.
We all have to put up with our fellow humans at times. The only solution for war is peace, and that would mean tolerance and respect, the end of racism ,and terrorism to name a few, basically "to love your nieghbour". To end terror, we cannott carry on wars.
We must "turn the other cheek" and trust me, that is the hardest thing to do.
Please do not take this out of context, I hope anyone who reads this is pickin up , what I'm tryin to put down.