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General Discussion \  got this in an email today, pretty interesting point

got this in an email today, pretty interesting point

General Discussion
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drpdmazda   +1y
someone wrote in to there local newspaper to show there disgust with the abuse of the public welfare system in his area


i have a question, not only for my county but for the entire state. like many other people in this state i have a job. i work, they pay me, i pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as they see fit. in order for me to get that pay check i am required to pass a random urine test, which i have no problem with. what i do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who dont have to pass a urine test. shouldnt one havfe to pass a urine test to get a welfare check, because i have to pass one to go earn it for them? please understand, i have nothing against helping people get back on there feet. i do on the other hand have a problem with helping someone sit on there ass. could you imagine how much money the state would save if people had to pass a random urine test to get a public assistance check?

thats a very interesting and valid point in my opinion, not saying that everyone on welfare does drugs, but why should we support the habits of those who do?/
madbagger   +1y
america def cannot afford to finance the habits of ppl who are on welfare. this is a great point
1hotdawg   +1y
Could you imagine how many more homeless people there would be?
draggin84   +1y
i think if a perfectly able bodied person just refuses to get a job out of pur laziness they deserve to be homeless.
lowblownranger   +1y
great point i now in the area where i live a year or 2 ago they did a study of drugs being imported in ... the city i live in was the top 5 cities for importing drugs on the east coast.... i used to live a block from the welfare office i used to see ppl walking in that i knew where on drugs... some of which were people i went to school with
southernrazed   +1y
We got the dame damn problem in canada i think unless your a single neworn mother or under other extenuating circumstances you should have to WORK FOR WELLFARE..dam i dont care if you go out and pick trash of the side of the highway!
1hotdawg   +1y
What should you do then about the homeless problems this would cause? Homeless people coming for healthcare etc?

Don't get me wrong, I definitely think the welfare system needs to be changed and watched better. But more than drug testing, it just needs to be mandated that these people are applying for jobs every day of the week. But then you have the problem of having to pay other people to make sure these people are out looking for jobs lol, so it's a all a tough deal imo.

The point is it's easy for us to say these people need to be drug tested before they can receive a check, but you have 2 problems here:

1. the government isn't the one making you get a drug test at your job...unless you work for a municipality like I do's up to the private biz owner you work for if they're gonna require you to have a drug test or not.

2. With such a growing prevailing attitude that weed doesn't do any harm and should be legalized in the first place, kinda then goes against said attitude to request drug tests.

3. When people are addicted to drugs...really addicted do you then help them? If you put more fo them on the street you're just going to increase crime and health problems imo.

My point is, it's easy for us to sit back and say there's a problem, but what we need is more people to come up with solutions

I guess I'd be one of the lucky ones. Besides having a great family capable of helping me out if something did happen to my job/work life, I also have my church, and really my families churches that would be more than willing to step in and help out in my time of need. And I'm not a drug user, nor drinker, ...gave it all up almost before 21 yrs. old lol.
draggin84   +1y
you bring up some good point its one of things were some of the solutions are as bad as the problem. I think you hit the nail on the head because i think the biggest problem is its not watched well enough. in missori you have to apply to a certain number of jobs per month to quailify for unemployment but people just apply and show up to the interview and blow it on purpose but on paper it looks as if they have met their requirements
limequat   +1y

With all due respect, charity is the job of the Church not the Government.

Stealing is wrong:
Is it right for me to hold a gun to the head of my neighbor demanding money for my other neighbor? This is what the welfare system does.

Another example, you probably tithe. Are tithes mandatory? No, they should be given freely. In the same way, people should want to help the poor. If they don't want to, it's counterproductive to FORCE them.

Government is inefficient:
Government has shown time and time again that it is inefficient at best and criminal at worst. Why would we give them the job of looking after our downtrodden?

Welfare creates a "perverse incentive"
"Perverse incentive" is an economic term for a situation where the undesireable outcome is reinforced. For instance, giving a crying kid ice cream to quiet him is a perverse incentive, because he will learn crying = ice cream.
In the same way welfare is a perverse incentive because it teaches people, "If I don't work, I get money!"

These are three of many reasons why welfare is morally wrong, economically wrong, and socially wrong! Don't even get me started on the legality of the situation or how redistribution of wealth comes from Marxist ideals!
drpdmazda   +1y

the system here in pa is simillar, i used to work at a small audio shop that only employed myself, an installer and one other salesman, people in the area knew that our shop along with the other small independently owned shops in that area were very rarely hiring, so they would come in every week asking if we were hiring, and when we would say no they would ask if we could sign the paper that said they were there but we are not hiring, after seeing the same people time and time again i just began to refuse to sign, another thing that is messed up is that you can be on welfare for up to 5 years, but the loophole is if you get a job and get fired, it starts over, so most of them go 4 years ann 11 months or so, get a job, then get fired so they can go back on welfare. if they put half as much effort into getting a job as they do on ways to beat the system they would be able to work and get off welfare, at one point in my life i was layed off and couldnt find work, i was legitly out looking and interviewing every day with no luck, i went to the state office and applied for welfare, just asking for some food stamps to get me on my feet and some money to help with the electric bill, but since i live with my fiance and she makes $20 an hour i couldnt get help because they felt she made enough to cover my cost of living, i find that hard to believe, i personally think its because i am not a minority but thats just my view on it