the system here in pa is simillar, i used to work at a small audio shop that only employed myself, an installer and one other salesman, people in the area knew that our shop along with the other small independently owned shops in that area were very rarely hiring, so they would come in every week asking if we were hiring, and when we would say no they would ask if we could sign the paper that said they were there but we are not hiring, after seeing the same people time and time again i just began to refuse to sign, another thing that is messed up is that you can be on welfare for up to 5 years, but the loophole is if you get a job and get fired, it starts over, so most of them go 4 years ann 11 months or so, get a job, then get fired so they can go back on welfare. if they put half as much effort into getting a job as they do on ways to beat the system they would be able to work and get off welfare, at one point in my life i was layed off and couldnt find work, i was legitly out looking and interviewing every day with no luck, i went to the state office and applied for welfare, just asking for some food stamps to get me on my feet and some money to help with the electric bill, but since i live with my fiance and she makes $20 an hour i couldnt get help because they felt she made enough to cover my cost of living, i find that hard to believe, i personally think its because i am not a minority but thats just my view on it