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General Discussion \  Post a pic of yourself

Post a pic of yourself

General Discussion
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solow93 (ryan)   +1y

lol, they are small and yes your right I try to keep them clean
crazymikey   +1y
Looks like he heated the front coil springs until he got the desired height and piled sandbags in the back to level it out...
slamditbig   +1y
here ya go, thats my girl/ future wife/ baby momma.oh and the other is me.

nytrdr24   +1y
** caution, not responsable for broken computer screens **

here's a couple pics of me & my girls.....

me & the better half

me & my 9.5 lb protector tootsie
mazdamandan   +1y
This is 7 years ago almost now,on the weddin day. Me an my bride in my Mazda 83' GLC Sport.

I wish I had a pic of me an my bros like lalunette.

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nytrdr24   +1y

now if that was a cold bottle of suds instead of t/h cup, you'd be right @ home down here w/ me & hocbj23!
Post was last edited on Mar 19, 2007 01:03. This post has been edited 1 times.
crazymikey   +1y
I'm not picky on my drinks long as not a drop of Coke or Pepsi touches my tongue. I'd rather eat a spoonful of nuclear waste.
crazymikey   +1y
oh! How could I forget to post the pic of me in Minitruckin mag! It's in the January 2007 issue. Now I just need to get my truck in there one day...

Here's the original photo:
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And in the mag..
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lalunette   +1y

Is your dog wearing a PFD?
fanninator   +1y
might as wel get in on this whilem here.

this is my by the huge inflatable chili dog
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before prom last year.
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he and the girl before prom. damn wre goin on 3years now. and no shes not taller, shes n the sidewalk and has huge heels on. whereas i didnt have my work boots on, if i woulda had my cowboy boots back then, i woulda worn them to go with my ane which will be after this pic.
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my cane...made by me, with a deer hoof on it. everyone was talkin bout it.
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well theres mine. -bf