Looks like Redline may be onto something?
Read all about it! It might be a better idea for the next generation of you mazda guys to not get the 38, but instead switch to these!
I really have'nt read a whoel too lot about it, but some of them seem like its like a carb but instead of jets, fuel injectors?
I thought the purpose of fuel injection was to have the injectors in the chamber? Anyways, it may still be a better idea to get your hands on this, but I dunno... If you read more, they have sidedraft fuel rail intakes and whatnot.
I was in Pullman for my job, and the guy at Schucks was going on about how his Suzuki samurai has identical intakes to ours. Supposedly he knows a guy who has shop that can machine intakes to make sidedraft...
ANYHOO, let us hear opinions on this!?