Well anyways, been over in Iraq since last year. I will be going to kansas for about 2 months when i get back. After I clear out of the army I will bounce back to jersey for good. My mazda is all set to be finished around nov 1st (i hope) well finished enough to drive anyway I still need to do a carpet and some other junk but it will be painted the doors are all done. Dash installed the change over from juice to bags complete, the ignition in the center console, led tails and so on ... and on and on and on... haha project has been a long time coming. I will kick it off the stands run it for a week and drive it the 1000 miles to kansas. nutty yep, but hell I dropped enough money in it, it better make the trip. Any of you jersey guys, I moved to new milford.(how do you move while you are in iraq? i don't know) anyways getting married next year october 10th 2008 in florida. So after this button up stuff I have to do on the mazdog, it is pretty much on hold.(I promised the old lady that I would buy her a house before touching any more projects) looking forward to seeing those that I know. If you see Russ D, IVeverdoug, dougie smalls, big billy or big al, tell em I said whazzup.