projekt94 (david)
you know i remember when u lost ur friend, seeing that really pulled alot of us closer on the site, ive never even met you yet i was there to send my condolences, thats what (in my opinion) makes minitruckers one big family. on this forum ive got alot of guys i talk to on a regular basis, yet 95% ive never met, thats why this forum is awsome!! as for being a minitrucker ive always been into trucks since i was a kid, something about a truck was just badass. i got into the import scene in 98, only because my friends and family were invovled with it. seeing 3 friends die due to it, made me say fuck this, i wanna live!! sold my integra for 700, yes 700, and i put alot shit into it, just wanted to get rid of it fast!!! so i bought a 94 mazda, lowered it, then bagged it, then dragged the hell out if it. that was probably the best decision of my life, the shows i went to, the friends ive made, just something about a minitrucks that brings out the best of anyone. i cant tell you the many friends ive made in the minituckin scene. i like the looks i get especially from lil kids, my sons love it, my 2yr old sees a truck on the road and yells daddy daddy, truck, psssst, psssst, crrrrrrr, cant make the dragging sound, but u get the idea its funny cuz just last night my mom was telling me i need to grow up, and get out of this hobby, but i cant, just something about it, weve become one big family, and thats what it is, i wish my mom could just see how it really is, not all the bullshit negative crapt she thinks goes on. but like i said i love this sport, hobby, passion, culture, scene, whatever you wanna call it, i love it, and yes i love yall too