i know how u feel bro, ive been there, i had a 93 mercury topaz, 2 door 5spd v6, that thing was the best i fed that thing th biggest beatings for 2 years and it would just take it, i took it to the race track and raced it it was funny seeing peoples face when the get beat by a topaz,but it started to take its toll, it kept eating distributors every 3 months, so i kept replacing them,then one day i was on the highway with my friend beside me, i down shifted into third to blow past him and bang! it was knocking and clanking, i rolled off the highway and when i came to a stop it never moved again, i blew up the tranny to the point parts were bouncing around inside, so i stipped the rims and lip kit and other stuff i put on it and scrapped it now i got a 95 4runner, and its killer but i still sometimes wish i had the topaz, but oh well