I work for Widmer Engineering. I handle all of the computer systems for all 5 offices. Our main office is in BF in an old church. We actually just bought a building on 7th ave. Right now we do civil/municipal/hydrolic engineering and impacting studies. With the new building we are going to use our printing and graphics capabilities to do printing and reprographics services... which I am the head of (YAY ME!). Once we get the sign up on the new building, you will see it every time you drive down town.
Also, weather permitting, I would like to extend an invite to you and any other minitruckers you know for Saturday... me and a buddy of mine are getting together to do some dragging. He wants some footage and some pics (with his bikini clad girlfriend in the winter). I'm sure after we get some good shots we'll just hang out and bullshit, maybe go to Jerry's if its not freezing out. If you are interested let me know and I'll PM you my cell number.