I've been having a rough go of it lately...
I'm extremely pissed at the world. (and myself). I must explain... but the story is long... so for anybody reading further... You only have yourself to Blame. (though I think it's WORTH the read)
I'm in college in my final year of the Computer Programmer Analyst Program 3 yr program. Last semester, we had a teacher that really sucked. He was the worst teacher ever, and he also happened to be the co-ordinator of our program...
He was messing with our course and changed the final semester to some "Systems Project" and got rid of all the classes AND the placement. This was his beautiful little brainchild and he wouldn't tell us at all what was going on with our educaton, so I asked the dean if we could have a meeting and find out what is going on (seeing as we paid for our education and we were about to get something OTHER than what we paid for)
in the end, we found out nothing and the Co-ordinator got mad at me because I had went to the Dean and I believe the Dean gave him a good slap on the wrist.
This semester has been hell. He is the only teacher responsible for marking my work, and he has been screwing me over every single chance he has gotten.
Now on another note I drive a lot... and recently I was pulled over by the cops for speeding down a rural county road (paved) doing 111kmp/h in an 80 zone with my parents Lincoln LS. I didn't get a ticket, and the officer gave me a stern talking to... I thought it was all good, and i really started toning down my speed.
On good Friday, I get a speeding ticket for 108 in an 80. I was not doing 108. I WAS speeding... but i was only doing 98-100... but he was using a laser instead of radar so I have pretty much no chance of beating it in court... plus he marked down "no witnesses" on the ticket even though there were 2 oher people in the car that can back up my story.
I've talked to xcopper and they are going to try and get me a "zero point" ticket instead of a 3 demerit point ticket... which would KILL my insurance.
according to xcopper, the "no witnesses" is unimportant and means nothing. ALSO, this cop is impossible to beat in court. His sole responsibility on the police force in that division is to write traffic tickets. He has written so many he has an actual Printer in his car. They said that he writes around 150 - 200 tickets a day sometimes. and he never loses in court.
so i'm getting a second opinion from another group (Pointts) to see if they can do better...
I'm not a cop so i don't know the ins and outs of all this but i KNOW i was not doing 108 according to MY speedometer.. (if my speedometer is incorrect it is aparently not a valid defense because a speedometer is not required in a vehicle.. you should just KNOW your speed) and also, he pulled me over by pulling out in FRONT of me and turning his lights on and pointing at the side of the road, then stopped in front of me and walked back to my car... so he didn't do stuff by the book.
also, there was a truck cutting me off from re-entering the traffic during a merge because my lane was ending that he says didn't exist, even though i have two witnesses who saw it all.
but xcopper says I have no case. They know by experience that this guy will win, because he knows exactly what to say. He'd win even if both witnesses and myself got on the stand and swore i was doing 80.
This is all happening during the final stages of my course here so it's making it EXTREMELY difficult to concentrate on homework with my License on the line...
to top things off, I work at a call centre and was on the phone a few minutes ago, and my computer monitor caught on fire.
yes. it caught on fire. I had to be all calm with my customer and tell them i needed to put them on hold for a few minutes to do some research, then put them on hold and ran away from the smoke pouring out the top.
can my luck get ANY worse? (I had best write "knock on wood" here and not tempt fate i suppose)
Sorry about the EXTREMELY long post. I'm ticked. If you hear about me on the news soon? now you'll know why.