this is just a tiered of people not doing what they say!!(not you guys)!!!1leaving vehicles on my property for over a year i cant do anything with them cause i dont have paper work!!
ol lady wont get off my back cause of cars we dont own taking up space
im ready to have the sherrif come up and give me scrap permits to have them all hauled off (5 in total)
my problem is these people are friends or so i thought...they are unwilling to give me paper work or come get there vehicles....i have no room to work on my own shiiiit..........
Tennessee has an abandonment law that says if people dont come pick up their sh-- within 60 days,u can file a notice in the paper and file with the state and their sh-- becomes your sh--.Ur state might have the same law.BJ
Yep thats what is was gonna say. Give them one last warning and tell them that they have pushed the limits of your hospitality and if they don't move them you will.