I understand what your saying but theres a few things that your missing. People in the US have the opportunity, assistance, and enviroment to go out, get jobs, feed and clothe themselves and their family's. Everyone is/was entiltled to the same education and has the same chances to live and prosper to whatever height they want. Even if they can't theres all types of assistance programs, shelters, food stamps etc. The people in Africa and like wise places don't have that chance. They have nowhere to go and get a job, make some money, they don't even have the land/enviroment to grow food to live off of or feed livestock. They have no chance, and you just want them to die? Just think if that was you or your family. And then you get places like North Korea where their dictator would rather spend money on weapons then to feed his people. This world is fucked up but you can't let your brothers die just because he wasn't born in your country or have the same skin color as you.
I do understand where your comming from though when your busting your ass and stuck in the same spot. Life is what you make it, think past this and you'll be alot furter ahead. Just my thoughts.