projekt94 (david)
well guys i walked down the long aisle last night as me and fiance now wife got married!! it was all good and everybody had fun!! the fun didnt start til we left my groomsmen had tagged my truck and demanded i go for a wedding drag!! soooo reluctantly i went knowing that this town is full of cops!! i went down 3 blocks and came back dragging as i went to hit the switch back up to croos the intersection and RR tracks my switch fell to the floor and BOOM over the track and right in front of a cop!! so pulled over and waited. the cop was an asshole man, since i work for the d.o.t he said i should have known better!! i was like dude i build these roads i can destroy em if i want!! so luckily since my truck was tagged and my wife was in her wedding dress and a lil help form my cousin flirting he let me go with just a warning!! pix will be up shortly!!