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General Discussion \  myspace, no wait this is different......

myspace, no wait this is different......

General Discussion
views 1649
replies 11
following 9
slammed83mazda   +1y
There was a sniper case like 20 miles north of me and the kid was proved guilty but what really pissed me off about it, is they mainly directed it on about his profile he said his influences were the KKK and Hitler and such. like they were trying to throw that at certain people

My question is why do they always focus it on a person's myspace, of course theres perverts and shit out there but, when ever a killing happens it seems a must to have that persons myspace profile in it.

I just dont like the way the news reflects, i like it personally becuase ive met alot of old friends and such on there, but it seems the news is always trying to relfective the negative side of this.
assdragginsdime   +1y
dude its because when a person commits a crime, its never their fault.. Ther always has to be a scapegoat.. SOOO in instances like this, where they cant find a valid reason (aside from the obvious, that he's a lunatic).. And myspace is already under bad press to begin with.. Why not Throw out some more B.S. about the site?? it only makes sence lol

It amazes me how people just look for things to blame other people's stupidity on..
slammed83mazda   +1y

i definatly agree
bagged89mazda   +1y
MY SPACE is starting to be like the porn site for adults who are in to wierd shit . DATELINE nbc - has done 2 stings with mami (sp?) and another states police forces to catch ppl who prey on girls and gay boys . I MEAN Guys from 17- 60!!! thats f-d up . I GUESS adult friend finder isn't doing it for them any more so they need something that would tickle thier jollies . its sick - maybe my space should consider age restrictions for zones GOING By birthdates when they registered . thus why there are so many age verification sites out there any more . you can' t just go see any type of porn you want on the net without getting one of the age verifications like cyberage , key check etc. The society as a whole is gone nuts - .. time for the president to take care of business at home - i was watching super prisions or something like that last nite- The prisioners there at this one prision said if they find out you had sex with a child or fondled a child your dead - This one guy got stabbed 6 times Ended up with a punchard(sp?) lung and a messed up liver and lots of holes in his upper torso . If it means they get more time in jail or the chair they'll do it cause they feel its in moral .. which is true. just goes to show not all ppl who wind up in jail arn't all about the same stuff some actaully have hearts . some just chose to do the wrong things in life.
nytrdr24   +1y
so myspace has fallen victim to "bad news media fad",

it sorta like the gun makers & people who use them for killing, & the people against guns.........the damn guns don't pull their own trigger, some embisil (sp) is holding the gun & decides to pull the triger (they had to decide to pull it, it isn't an involuntary reaction) then claim "temporary insanity" which is a copout b/s way to get out of trouble..... it isn't the gun makers fault, they put out a product (sorta like myspace), if some one chooses to use it in a way inwhich society doesn't approve of "laws against killing, or lurking behind a computer to attack young girls or whoever" then they get punished, but then you have the people that sue the gun makers & are like poor fellow he didn't mean to kill / attack anybody......we ought to put them in the klink with the killers & see what they think after about a week or two, & quit suing innocent companies & people to get a free ride off someone elses mistakes!
assdragginsdime   +1y

exactly.. nobody can own up to their own actions.. everyone has to have someone else to blame...

ITs like they think if myspace didnt exist, there would be no more sexual predators.. As if htey wouldnt find another way to get their jollies off.

Making guns illegal or whatever will NOT stop someone from murdering a person lol.. They will just start using knives, bats, poison.. whatever lol.. But since they dont understand how a psycho murderer thinks, They need to find someone else to blame.
mazdawgrollin   +1y
whats funny is that people in general will go to great lengths to find a scapegoat for this as mentioned above. and with the sheer popularity of myspace its easy to point the finger. with the lengths used to choose myspace as an issue, why dont they focus on whats logical... asking where the parents are perhaps? i blame peoples lack of responsibility for their kids and the lack of spanking kids to teach them. thats just me.
framedragger2   +1y
thats what i feel, parents are too afraid to spank their kids ( or cant because the world sees it as wrong and violent), let me tell you, when i fucked up as a kid, i knew it, my dad didnt have a prob. in the world knocking the shit out of me with whatever he had handy, now im not saying his way was right but it worked, im gonna do the same with my child, i dont believe in beating but spanking for something they did wrong is diffrent
framedragger2   +1y
i dont know how the ''silly up'' got in there, its supposed to be fucked up
zaccutt   +1y
Wow... I didnt really know this was happening *takes down pics on myspace*

Right now myspace wont allow people under 14 sign up, that doesnt mean they can;t lie about their age.

Sure myspace might make it easier for criminals and yes it really does. Most people have there name or most of it, there location or if they dont they have friends in their freinds section with theri location and most even have their schools. Let alone body type, height, oreintation... Everything is there.

But that doesnt make it easier for them to find you. Hell they could go walk down the street and steal some kid, whats the difference when they know who they are stealing. Taking away myspace would just mean they would find kids other ways...
