Well, I got back a little while ago to check out the truck..
The story of it is, the kid who put the ad up is 16 and his dad bought the truck for him to learn how to drive. He bought the truck from an auction. Before it was in the auction, it was stolen, hence why the ignition was punched out.
BUT, the thing is, when I looked at it when I was there, the engine for what mileage was on it was typical. When its in 4wd the front makes a clanking noise when you turn. Okay, so I drove it, well, his dad was in the truck with me and I go to shift into 2nd.
"Oh, btw, theres no 2nd gear! Did'nt my son tell you that?"
I had no clue, lol. Other than the noise in 4wd and no 2nd gear, it was'nt too bad of a truck for what it was worth and what I wanted it for.
The dent he describes in the ad, well, it was a cave in on the passenger side bed! Lol...
SO! I talked to him a little more, and I told him he needs to go down on the price. So the catch is, how much do you guys think it will cost to repair this, and do any of you have any idea why the 4wd makes the noise?
Spaldings does'nt have any 4wd b2600's in their lot. I dunno about pull&slave, but I will also try whitey's too...
I bet I could talk him down to $300 for it... Even for $300, I still dunno if its worth fixing though... I really think the engine will need to be rebuilt as well.. It does'nt smoke though!
BTW, dragginmazda, where do you live? Vicinity of Spokane?