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General Discussion \  wow


General Discussion
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slammed83mazda   +1y
so of course late in the week the worse hits me, im startin to get symptoms of strep throat thursday i came home wasnt to bad so i slep on it, woke up boom i could barely even swallow and when i did it felt like someone was jammin a tarc bus down my throat, so i took some dayquil sore throat< didnt work> so then i tryed the throat spray it kinda worked, every time i try to fall asleep i wake up sweating like i just came outta the shower.

So finally i went to the doctor, i got a 103 temperature, they did a strep throat thing it came back negative, did a mono test it came back negative, the doctor gave the, what the hell could it be look.

all in all this blows cause the havoc show is this weekend and i been lookin foward to going to it all year but on a good note there will always be a next year
maztang (ryan)   +1y
that sucks bro. i know how it feels, only i had strep throat in marine corps boot camp. talk about shitty. haha.
lucky13   +1y
damn, i hate getting sick!

hope you get better.
mazdamandan   +1y
I don't know if you can get this in the states but a natural remedy I use is available at Wal-Mart, It's called Cold FX, I works!!!!
I use it when I start getting symptoms, It killed the worst cold I've ever had in 3 days!
I'm allergic to antibiotics so I have to use natural stuff.
fanninator   +1y
strep...damn i usta get that AT LEAST 3 times a year. i hate the strep test...its a damn papshmier stick in your throat haha. hope ya get better man. -bf
slammed83mazda   +1y
well its official i got tonsilitis, but im finally starting to feel a hell of alot better, i can finally eat food and i been eating the hell out of spaghetti o's..........................
schreff   +1y

pont   +1y
sorry to hear that man and roman noddles rule lol
maztang (ryan)   +1y
^^^ ahh man i had way to many of those in the military. haha. lipton noodles are damn good though! it is good to hear that you found out what was wrong. now just take it easy for a few days.
slammed83mazda   +1y
thanks guys, ya i havent had spaghetti o's since i was like 8, so i definatly been getting re-introduced to the feeling.

I been doing very good as long as i eat something or else i get that real dry someone took a piece of sandpaper to ur tonsils feeling.