I just turned 41 and I got into working on cars about 2 years ago when I bought my 1990 Honda Civic wagon. I painted this car myself using a brush and an $8 can of rustoleum.
All the cars I've owned before the Honda I have not touched because of a lack of time, money and mostly knowledge.
I bought my first car at 21. It was an '86 or an '87 Lada Signet wagon which I bought practically brand new (1 year old). I loved this car. It has wipers on the headlights and a complete tool kit... presumably so Russians can do their own repairs??
This is not my car but mine looked exactly like this.
As for the B2000, I bought it last year from my bro for $1. I researched on my own (including finding and going through this site) how to bring it back fom the dead, prep it, paint it, etc... Next summer I'm going to remove the dash, fix a few things back there, including the heater core. The interior is currently tan but I'm going to be changing that a bit, including a new bench seat.
I'm also slowly modding a 1999 Tomos Targa that is my daily driver from late march to late November. Insurance is cheap at $130/year and a full tank, which lasts a week, costs around $3. This is all in Canadian dollars BTW.
So far I've added a basket for carrying large items and my briefcase when I go to work, I've added a 63cc piston instead of the stock 50cc, I've upgraded the tires, I've painted the front half red and added extra turning signals and a brake light on the back. Oh, I almost forgot, I modified the headlight to accept standard Kimpex snowmobile headlight bulbs ($5) instead of the specialty $20 bulb from Europe.
Gee, after previewing my post I just realized something... I like the color red. The irony is that, as I'm writing this, I'm wearing my favorite red shirt... LOL