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General Discussion \  Go figure...

Go figure...

General Discussion
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hex0rz   +1y
So today, I get off work. I'm bored with myself so I decide that I'll do some stuff for my truck. I go ahead and do my first coat of gloss white paint for one of my interior pieces to see how its going to turn out.

I let it dry and as this happens I decide I'll work on stripping the rust off my truck. I'm out there for a good 30 min with a nice big abrasive wheel on a drill having at it! I get everything cleaned and ready for rust treat. JUST THEN, it started SNOWING!!!! SNOWING! Its APRIL! Whats the hell!

I'm not in a garage and I had no way to cover my working areas. So I figure I'll putth rust treat on and let it sit till tomorrow until I can re-treat it! I go to check on my piece that I was painting, and there was wate on it! Good thing it atleast flashed enough that it did'nt absorb into the paint!

Well, the point of my story is, it can still SNOW in APRIL! Freakin' spring break b.s.!
nytrdr24   +1y
yeah, it's supposed to get down in the 30's wednesday night, been in the 80's during the day & 60's @ night for two weeks
lalunette   +1y
Ya man... snow in April is always a possibility...

It was snowing just this morning in fact... but I still rode in to work on my moped. I had to add a scarf to my usual outfit but I wasn't the worse for wear.

Cheers !!
carolinasled   +1y
just as i'm reading this the bug spayer is zapping threw the hood.... i havent seen snow in years....but i hate cold weather also.....
hex0rz   +1y
MAybe for you canadians! I do not ever recall having snow in April here! At worst hail, and thunder and lightning storms!

Lol, corlinasled, I think you have a little too heavy accent for me to understand you! Haha!
carolinasled   +1y

i didnt know i had a typing accent
crazymikey   +1y
they're calling for snow here from Thursday right through till Monday. What the hell?!

I hate snow.
hex0rz   +1y

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