i will probably get hazed for saying this but i feel really strong on this subject. first of all i want to say the virginia tech. shooting was horrible and i really feel for everyone involved, and that perticular shooting aside i really don't think there has been any more shootings than there normally would be. it seems to me that the media outlets that we have in the united states are more worried about entertainment, shock value, and ratings, than actually reporting the news. once the V.T. shooting happened they all scrambled to find any shooting related story they could find. I could be wrong but i really think the thing at nasa would have been just one of those "in other news" stories that scroll across the bottom of the screen. you have to take everything you see in the media with a grain of salt because they all put there spin on it, just ask those three guys from duke whom the media proclaimed guilty without a doubt a year ago<oops>. all they have done is give gun haters a soapbox to stand on, force fed us crap, and make us look like a bunch of short tempered hethens to the rest of the world. I will get off MY soapbox and pipe down now.