A drunk was staggering along a river bank when he came upon a preacher baptizing folks.The preacher turned to the drunk and said,"Brother are you ready to find Jesus?" "Sure" the drunk answered,whereupon the preacher grabbed him and immersed him in the river.When he pulled the drunk up,the preacher asked,"Have you found Jesus yet?" "Nope" the drunk replied whereupon the preacher grabbed him,dunked him in the river for several seconds and then pulled him up."Have you found Jesus yet ?" asked the preacher."Again the drunk muttered "nope",whereupon the preacher grabbed him,shoved him under the water and held him there for about thirty seconds.When he pulled the drunk up,sputtering and spitting water,the preacher yelled in the drunk's ear,"Brother have you found Jesus yet?" whererupon the drunk yelled,"Hell no preacher.Are you sure this is where he fell in?"Hee-haw.BJ