Me and my bro vowed to pull my tranny and put in a new clutch a few days ago, before we tore into the rear-end. Simple enough!
He wanted to take it to his house and do it there. Eh, okay... Got there, and we had to do it in the street in front of his place. MIND YOU, this part of my city is the GHETTO. Trademark hillyard... When we were on the way to his house, I happened to notice a man scrubbed out sitting in this beatdown sofa facing this fence on the corner. Did'nt think anything of it... He was moving around and whatnot, screaming something...
Were pulling everything and a couple hours later, 3-4 cop cars pull up at the corner. HMMM??
Then I noticed they covered the guy up with a yellow tarp. I noticed then and there that the guy FREAKING DIED! He dies on the corner!
It was over 100 degrees that day and I suffer in the heat. I was tired from working on the truck in the sun and was'nt feeling good. Then the thought about a guy dying on the corner and just seeing how hes been baking in that sun for a while now since they had to photograph the whole thing.
VERY sickening feeling...
By the time we had 3/4 of the battle with my truck over with they finally put him in a body bag and took him away. By this time, it was getting dark and I'm sure he did'nt smell too good...
Once we buttoned up my truck and got stuff 95% done, all the sudden I hear these indian people on the corner doing their mojo-jojo stuff and beating on drums yelling weird stuff.
When I saw him I saw that he was indian, but I did'nt think his tribe would come down and send him away to "rest with the dead."
IT WAS an extremely ODD day...
Whose got a story that can top that off? Very weird day to be working on my truck...
BTW, the cops said they did'nt know how he died. So he must have died from a heat stroke or O.D.'d on some heroin...