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New Website- Open Soon
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guilty by design   +1y
I had the website totally torn down and rebuilt recently. Weve added a ton of new features that should make your shopping easier. Ive been trying to get as many hi res images and tech info for each product so you can not only see what your getting but know if its going to work for you. Feel free to sign up and browse around. Ill be adding new items for the next few months so if you dont see what you want dont worry it will be up soon. Ill also be sending out newsletters when youll be able to place an order. You can also subscribe to individual item updates to let you know when we have a sale or change anything about the item.

Also check us out on FB
jjm5150   +1y
Went to the site and saw some things I liked wishing there was more, but I understand its under construction so I can't wait to see it finished! I might be ordering some things in the near future
guilty by design   +1y
Trust me, theres PLENTY more to add. I now have the luxury of taking my time and testing parts in 3d before producing them. I have roughly 30 items developed and available, and about 60 drawings that will be developed soon to make building your truck easier and better looking.
rotten   +1y
cant wait for my notch and mazda truck key chain!!! haha ( im justin, the one that hit u up on facebook )
guilty by design   +1y
Opening tomorrow!
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