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pointless thread

General Discussion
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dropanddestroy1986   +1y
how many people are on the east coast?
neverending   +1y
there could be thousands who knows..... midwest here
dropanddestroy1986   +1y
where at in the midwest?
neverending   +1y
dropanddestroy1986   +1y
awww i was born and raised in nebraska
neverending   +1y
hell yah alot of family lives in papillion and omaha
dropanddestroy1986   +1y
nice i joined the military and they put me in cali, now im on my way to the uk for three years then after that is done i hope to land on the east coast
neverending   +1y
i just got out of the army, well about a year ago was stationed in germany for 3 years
heavenly_blade101   +1y
So I couldnt find a rant page so i figured i'd post it here. Just got into a trade college so I had to drive 5 hours to campus. So i figured the friday before would be a good time to do a break job. the accord I've been driving was metal on metal on the drivers rear so i went at it. Wonderfull luck i have, got into it to find the saddle bolt was stripped by the previous owner. So my buddy brought over his torches and we cut the head off and got it apart. Go to honda and they say they dont have it but they have one that will work if i add an extra washer. no big deal. got it all back together and tackled the other side. Snapped both bolts trying to get them out. So get everything appart and figure hey, they'll have the bolts, they said they had lots if i wasnt worried about using an extra washer. Had to wait until Saturday morning for a ride in. Get there and no dice. They gave me the wrong size this time. so I go back and again i get the wrong size. now this is saturday night and by the time i get a ride in the third time theyre closed. So off to canadian tire to attempt to match it. again no dice. so I tied the calliper up away from any pinch points and the tire and got it ready for the ride. well half way to school my caliper comes loose and slashes open the side wall. Tied it up again and continued on the spare. Got about 3/4 of the way and pulled in for gas, ripping the exhaust off on the curb. Tie that up so I can make it the rest of the way and keep on trucking. Get about 15 minutes down the road and hit a bump. Then the smell of gas fills my nostrils. Split the tank at the seam. well, gotta keep on truckin. it was a steady drip anyway. Finally get to school to find out the nearest honda dealer ship is 40 minutes away and the bolts for the calliper are dealer only. The car has been sitting all week since Im on campus and dont really need to go anywhere. Today I get a call from my buddy who is renting my apartment while i'm gone. while he was at work the basement flooded. My apartment is in the basement. I now have to replace 2 xbox 360s a laptop, a sirius boombox, and a 300$ guitar effects pedal because the guys my land lord hired to repair the weeping tile fucked up. luckilly there was only 2 inches of water in the apartment since my subfloor is higher than the concrete. So Needless to say its been a shitty week. And on top of that i'm in school untill july 27 and have been unemployed for a month already. I have 700 bucks to spend minus my 350 in bills and a new gas tank is 150. plus the other parts -.-
emjay   +1y
whoops I farted....