A prominent defense lawyer arrived home late one evening after a terrible day at work.His client,Mr.Wright was due to be hanged at midnight,and the attorney's attempts at lieniency from the Governor had not been approved.It looked like his client's sentence would be carried out.Depressed and tired,he is met at the door by his shrew of a wife with her ususal litany:"WHy are u so late?Dinner is cold and I am not going to heat it up at this hour.Yatta-yatta." The attorney is determined not to get involved in the usual argument,so pours himself a big Scotch and heads upstairs for a long bath.In the midst of his bath,the phone rings and wifey answers."Mr.Wrights request for lieniency has been approved and the execution will not happen",is the message.Wifey trudges upstairs,opens the bathroom door and is faced by her husband ,dripping wet,bending over to dry his legs.She dutifully reports,"They aren't hanging Wright tonite." "For God's sake",shouts the attorney,"Don't u ever quit with the nagging?" Hee-e-e-e Haw.BJ