So Skillett takes a vacation to Spain.He is sitting in a restaurant one evening trying to decide what to eat when he notices a patron being served an unusual looking dish with a terrific aroma.So,ole Skillett calls the waiter over and asks what is the dish and can he have whatever it is."Sorry Senor" says the waiter.That is the specialty of the house.It is bulls balls,fresh from the bull ring this morning.They are a delicacy and we only serve the one order each evening.If Senor will come early tomorrow evening,we would be happy to serve you the one order.So ole Skillett shows up early the next evening,waiter seats him and says your order will be here momentarily.Shortly,the platter arrives with the same terrrific aroma and ole Skillett dives in.However,in a few minutes he calls the waiter over and says,Hey Humberto,the dude last night got the same thing but his serving was much bigger than mine.How come? "Sorry Senor" says the waiter,"Sometimes the bull wins".Ouch! Hee-haw.BJ