Was looking through Craigslist a couple days ago, and saw a 93 B2200 for $150. No motor, tranny, grill, front bumper, or fenders. I had actually called the owner about a month ago and asked him about selling it when he had it posted for a parts truck with another B he had for sale. At that specific time, he didn't want to sell just the parts truck, only wanted to sell the 2 trucks together. So I'm looking the other day and see the "parts truck" for sale for $150. The owner did tell me when I talked to him the first time that the truck had been worked on for a V8 swap. All I wanted it for was parts anyway, didn't care about the V8 swap thing.
So yesterday, I'm looking for this truck again on CL, and the posting is gone. So I thought, ok, someone bought it for a parts truck. I get home from the shop today after spending ALL freakin day working on my truck trying to get it going, and like always, I do my daily CL search again. Apparently, this "buyer" who bought the "parts truck" from the guy I spoke with, is selling the EXACT same truck for $475 freaking bucks. His selling point was that it is setup for a V8 swap. This guy even uses the original owners picture to post it on CL.
So my point here is, is the new owner trying to make a quick buck, and his selling point will actually sell the truck? Or did he know that for $150 he had some profit coming with this purchase?
What you guys think? Would you do the same thing? If so, how would you do it?