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Working on my first mazda

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lowrd among lifted   +1y
So i'm working on my first mazda and i'm in the planning stages for bagging it. Unfortunately its my daily driver. What i want to know is if i collect and make every thing i'll need to bag it. can it be done over a weekend? Also whats the best set up if i don't want to move my gas tank? I was thinking along the lines of a wishbone 3-link with a panhard bar. I'm reletively new to air ride set ups. any input would be greatly appreciated. I could use some pics too so i can see what other people have done. Also if you guys have any other advice for me it would be appreciated.
baha   +1y
That's a lot of work to do in over a weekend but you could do it in phases.

Air suspension relies on other items that you could install ahead of time to minimize down time. Here's an example of phases you could do.

Phase 1: Installing Air Management

-Mount Tank
-Mount, Wire and Plumb Compressor to Tank
-Mount, Wire and Plumb Gauges to Tank. Also run the lines to the area the bags will be mounted.
-Mount, Wire and Plumb Valves. Also run the lines to the bags for your set up
-Test - At this point you should be able to have your valves open and close by a switch as well as be able to power on and off your compressor and have a leak proof system before moving onto the next phase

Phase 2: Front Suspension

-Do required removing, cutting and cleaning
-Tac Bag Brackets
-Test: Cycle Suspension and make changes where needed
-Final Welding of Bag Brackets
-Paint Exposed Metal
-Mount Bags
-Hook up to existing lines ran from Phase 1

Phase 3: Rear Suspension
etc etc so on

Does that make sense? There's a lot to an air suspension system and you need to give your self plenty of time for testing especially since this is your daily.
90-b22dawg [andrew]   +1y
if its your daily and your first time bagging a truck, id strongly suggest buying another vehicle to drive..... not doubting your skill just saying that if you've never bagged a vehicle before, it may take you a lil while to figure out where exactly to put parts to make them work correctly, you dont want a hacked job on a daily, as far as photos, look under members projects, theres tons of bagged truck builds on here with plenty of photos. also check the tech section there was a write up on how to bag front of a b2200
91extcab   +1y
Check out mazdawg mikey's build profile project stock-ish. The beginning few pages have some good pics of his rear setup with the gas tank in the factory spot with a 3 link setup.
lowrd among lifted   +1y
Ok so here's where i'm at now. I'm going to do it progressively like you said Baha. that will make it some what easier. Thanks for the idea of getting another car 90-B22Dawg [Andrew] but i just don't have the money for that. I'm on a bit of a budget and so all my money is being put towards the truck. I did look up that how to on the front end. its going to help a lot, thanks for that tip. Big shout out to 91extcab. That build on mazdawg mikey's is basically exactly how i want to do the set up. My next question for you guys is which is better, bag on link or bag on axle? I've heard that bag on axle is rather bouncy.
lowrd among lifted   +1y
took another look at Mikey's set up and i kinda like his canti set up. I have a question on that though. it looked like he was running a sleeve bag. Why would he run that rather than a normal bag?
91extcab   +1y
Mikey's is a 3link with sleeve bags behind axle. I've been told sleeve bags make four a better ride when doing bag on axle, atleadt for a daily. Bag on bars will get you more lift, but ride quality isn't as good as bag on bar. This is what I've been told. This info came from bagdb2200 (peter).
baha   +1y
Bag on bar rides soooooooooooo much better!
90-b22dawg [andrew]   +1y
bag on bars do ride alot smoother. also depending on placement you can get a LOT more lift. do you plan to run shocks? alot of people think that bags take the place of shocks and will argue they dont need them. however that is NOT true. you will need to run bags. if you dont you will bounce like hell and maybe even bounce out of control. theres no stablization without shocks.
91extcab   +1y
I think you meant shocks where you said bags that last time around. Peter was telling me he's had every setup you can imagine and that sleeve bags on axle would get you the best ride quality four a daily. I wouldn't personally know cause I haven't bagged mine yet.