Whats goin on? Its been quite awhile since Ive been on here and it looks like the place got a face lift! Nice work,baha.
A buddy of mine recently joined up and I'm trying to explain to him about four links and how they work. There used to be a vid that someone put together that shows the range of motion with the diffrent kind of links...I know,Iknow...SEARCH!,I tried with no success.
I picked up a set of aussie headlights off of NC4LIFE awhile back, I was wondering if anyone has also tried to put those lights on their truck? I really need the clips that hold them to the firewall or an alternative to mount them. any help would be greatly appreciated.
I still got my Mazda. Not much has been done since the bd was completed. Just had my first baby 7mo ago and now that things are settled and everyone has a schedule I'm trying to get back at it,At the same time my buddy Ham,wants me to bag his truck. So I'll be one here posting pics of progress and researching as usual.
Well anyhow,Hope all is well look forward to chattin with you guys again. Be easy