axel breaker earl
First I would replace the distributor O-ring, clean it all up before hand so when you run it after the O-ring change out, you can see if it's done any good.
The next thing to look at is the front camshaft oil seal and the front crankshaft oil seal, and they use the same exact part as well. You can remove the upper timing cover and see if there is oil behind that, if so, your camshaft seal is leaking. You can do the same with the lower timing cover to have a look at the crankshaft seal.
The distributor also has an oil seal INSIDE of it that keeps the oil out of the inside of the if you remove the distributor cap and there is oil inside the lower edge of the distributor, then that inside seal is leaking.
Bottom line......if you do a major engine clean-up, it will be easier to find where the oil is leaking from, more than likely.