axel breaker earl
Something is definitely going on with Ken......he's never on the site anymore it seems (posting anyways) and no one seems to be able to contact him on a regular basis, and it's a shame really......he's got a site that could really flourish if it were run as Baha does here.
I like bscene a lot also, and have picked up my posting here in the last year or so and will continue that trend, but MT seemed to have more "stocker guys" there and to some of us older guys, that is more desirable. Don't get me wrong here, I LOVE to see the threads on all the mods that most of the members here do on their trucks and there are some very ingenious designs and builds here, and I like to see how the members do certain things as they're building their rides.......very interesting stuff at times!
Yep, I'll be a member here as long as Baha will have me also! And BTW, thanks for your efforts on running & maintaining the site Baha, as well as all of your Moderators, Vendors, Supporters, etc.