Hello all. New to the forum. Really cool to see so many people hold on to their B2200s. I love mine cause it just keeps on going.
My Truck: B2200 '88, Manual, 218k (engine has about 128k), Carbureted.
For the past month I have been having a problem where after it warms up from a 10+ minute drive when I downshift from 5th to forth for braking, etc then push in the clutch to let the engine idle, it will just die. Some times my tach will flutter before it dies. I can start up the truck right after no problem. If I put the manual in neutral and brake while keeping the engine around 1200-1400 rpm it won't die. Also when the engine is cold I have no problem, only after it warms up.
I really hope it isn't the distributor cause it is pricey. I have cleaned the carb with some carb cleaner and sacrificing a toothbrush.
Thank you very much.