He an, don't worry it happens to the best of us, my first summer job was doing oil changes battery changes and basic tune ups at a local garage. 6 months into the job i had a Durango to change the oil in, done it hundreds of times on many cars before. boom run through it, filled her up. went to let her idle and run the oil through, when my bossman ( HEAD HONCHO) walks out and gets doused and soaked with oil! I was like hooooooly shiiiiit wtf did i destroy on this new suv.
In my haste to push the vehicle out an get another in, i had just reached in and sit the oil filter on a spot near where it went in and didn't come back to actually put it on. Needless to say i only worked there about 2 more days before he told me i was let go. Sometimes things happen man we're only human lol.