I was away for college for a good 4 Months. Time went by fast, but not too fast, and finally, well yesterday that is, I returned to StL to fire up my B2600 again and putter around.
What can I say. Do you ever get that feeling with your car or truck, some strange synergy between man and machine? I might not be a particularly excellent mechanic (i get by) or a particularly excellent modder (money and time have me down)...
But glarb blammit! I love that frackling Mazda.
I used to have a 99' Corolla auto. I honestly hated it with much of my being. They kinda, teleport you about, really not a drivers car. Their handling is awful too. I should know because I hit... well, quite a few things with that car. Well built, sort of, but not enjoyable at all.
On the other hand. The Mazda B, it might not be sophisticated, or fancy, and it really doesn't have much or anything at all in the way of "Features" but it is just great to drive. Not being with it for 4 months made me see that more than I did before.
A lot of old cars have that certain charm with their owners, I think. Sure, you might have to do certain things to get into second gear, or you might know that you can steal the thing with a butterknife and a skilled hand. (The locks on mine are HORRIFICALLY worn). Maybe there is just a little bit of fiddling that the vehicle needs to keep going, or it makes funny noises, or funny smoke.
One thing is for certain, for me at least. I have never had more fun driving a car. My mother's porsche 944 is... somewhat pleasant, but no... I've grown used to my truck, learned its quirks, and I adore it. Its the one. Its perfect, well, perfect and imperfect. Unique. Reliable. Dependable. Fun. The seat fits my bottom, the mirrors are set to my liking, yada yada I could go all day.
So! To all you mazda B truckers out there. Is your truck "The One?" and if she, he, or it is... when did you find out and how?