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General Discussion \  i need help please... new to mazda and i dont know what to d

i need help please... new to mazda and i dont know what to d

General Discussion
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johntruckkid   +1y
Hey i have an 87 mazda b2000 2.0 2wd and i was havin some problems in the winter with bogging down like the motor was pusbing back on me but it started back up recently then it would bogg from start to shutoff. I read some things changed the fuel filter it ran a tiny bit better went to regap my plugs and takeout my distributor advance but couldnt get it out so i placed it back in and mounted her down then she wouldnt fire at all im stuck on it if u have had this issue before please throw some ideas my way thanks again
sincitylocal   +1y
It sounds like your distributor came out far enough to skip a tooth. Make sure the rotor points to #1 with the engine at TDC.
The bogging sounds like fuel delivery for sure. It may be time to clean the carb really good. Another thing to check would be the fuel sock in the gas tank.
geterdun   +1y
A little confused, did you take the distributor out of the engine or the distributor vacumn advance off the distributor? If the distributor, line up your timing marks on the crankshaft pulley, then check location of rotor in the distributor. It should be pointing at the number one plug wire terminal in the cap or half a turn away. If not, the distributor is out of time.
Before that you have to get it to fire- no spark no run. Check all wires involved in the ignition circuit. Maybe something got unplugged? Is there voltage at the coil?
If changing the filter helped a little, does sound like the sock in the tank or the fuel pump itself. When you get it running again, you can try another fuel pump with the intake hose in a container of clean fuel. If this runs fine, then it is the sock or the pump. Connect the fuel pump (intake side) to the tank line. If it still runs great, pump in tank is bad. If runs badly again, sock in the tank is clogged.
After this has been done and no improvement, must be carb.
You have pulled and looked at the distributor cap, inside, checked continuity of plug wires, etc.?
Were the plugs oil fouled or corroded?
May need to check the compression.
Let us know.
'90 B2600 extended w/ 4.3 automatic
'93 B2600 extended with carb and non computer distributor
'83 Yamaha Midnight Maxim-32,000 miles, second owner- got in '89 with 1742 miles.
johntruckkid   +1y
I just pulled the vaccum advace out but it wouldnt come out all the way sonethibg held it in there i kept unplugging and pluggin stuff back in got it to start barely runs i can tell its missing i can smell unburnt gas im gonna try a new coil and egr valve my egr lights been on for over a year
geterdun   +1y
Pull the distributor cap off, disconnect the other end of the vacumn line connected to the vacumn advance.
Suck on the hose as you watch the arm coming out of the vacumn advance unit.

1] If it does not move at all, advance is bad, replace.
2] If it moves (shortens, pulling the plate around in the distributor), plug the hose with your tongue.
Does it stay advanced, or return to none vacumn applied position?
If it stays, advance in good.
If it returns, advance unit has a hole in the diaphragm, replace.
After you rule out advance, move on to next item.
Post was last edited on May 08, 2015 02:05. This post has been edited 1 times.
1986b2000   +1y
Try the link below for egr light... id follow tge video to reset and clean the egr valve with carb clean or brake ya some money
1986b2000   +1y

That link ^
geterdun   +1y
Check compression, fuel line pressure at the carb and intake vacumn (pick a vacumn hose, not the distributor) to see where to go.
Another possible is the mechanical advance in the distributor, but this rarely happens unless, the vehicle has set up a long time (the lubricant put on the bearing in the factory gets gummy).
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