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General Discussion \  HAPPY TURKEY DAY


General Discussion
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90-b22dawg [andrew]   +1y
well you guys its come to that time of the year again..... a day of family gatherings.... a day of eating till you can't get up off the couch..... a day of taking naps in between eatings....... a day to sit back and relax after busting ass to prepare all this wonderful food...... id like to ask everyone to take a moment and just think of how greatful we all are to have the opportunity to have such wonderful families and great food to eat.... and to think about how there are so many without this time of year.... the homeless.... the widows..... battered women...... people who don't have any family...... childern whos families can't afford to put toys under the tree or a plate of food on the table..... just think of how great it would be to find a local shelter and maybe offer then a dish to serve to the needy..... or cloths to keep them warm through the cold winter..... or maybe even toys for the young to play with...... i know that minitrucks image is to try and look badass or whatever but deep inside you all know that this message is getting to you....... do something about it this year help the needy out..... happy thanks giving from my family to yours......
kirk   +1y
Give to the local food banks. Even more than that old can of yams in the back of the pantry.

Say a prayer for those that are without, and give thanks for what you are blessed with. Then remember both of those all year round. People go hungry every day, but it comes to the light during the holidays.

Happy Thanksgiving guys!
hocbj23   +1y
Ms.Hoc and I serve lunch at one of the local shelters-just got back from there actually.Lets you know real fast how blessed we all are.The face of hunger knows no boundaries.Happy Turkey day.BJ
minime   +1y
Have fun shopping tomorrow.
toddluck   +1y
happy "get fat" day
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