Yeah,see,this is why I hate winter. Look at the crap we have to put up with. I live about an hour directly west of Zaccutt,and where I live is actually one of the areas that gets hit hardest in the winter in southern Ontario. The highway I live on is constantly closed due to whiteouts and blowing snow and icy conditions. Many areas may recieve a little bit of snow or rain,but we get royally screwed and get it ALL and get the worst of it.
Today was about -12 where I was,according to our thermometer on the deck,and we had snow,rain and freezing rain today. Everything is all iced up and the snow is wet,frozen and heavy. I also have a 97km drive to work,however the further south I go,the clearer it usually gets.
I hate winter,I hate cold,I hate snow,and I'll gladly trade the snow pants for shorts any day. I'm not looking forward to my drive to work tomorrow afternoon.