After being locked up for seven and one half months, it's kind of fun to get to use the Internet again.
Since I have been away from under_hood work for close to nine months now, I suppose I M a little rusty regarding Mazda specific issues.
But in looking at some of the problems posted and some of the responses, I see even in my "rustiness" I still have a lot of information to offer.
The thing that isn't clear to me, is why others can come into an off-topic are, and post all kinds of things . . . really . . . take a look . . . a panorama of issues . . . the Anthony trial . . .solicitations to come to the chat room . . .divorce and child custody issues . . .even a pointless thread . . .and on and on . . . but if I come in here and talk about something off topic . . . my ideas and thoughts, admittedly provocative . . . .cause such consternation . . .that MY threads get locked.
I love free speech . . . and others say they do . . . but what I see is some wall of ignorance that absolutely hates the idea that change is now here.
What I see is reactionary, and retaliatory. . . I have not come in here and posted to the stupid. . . for the most part, the people on this board are very intelligent . . . but some of them have used their FEAR to attempt to shut me down. And that is not going to happen.
At least the moderators here have the presence of mind to understand that free speech may be provocative, but it isn't fatal to anyone that sees or reads it.
White folk, happy with business as usual, didn't like Rosa Parks very much. Do the research into the early Civil Rights movement.
And unless I M mistaken, Marijuana is very much a part of a LOT of peoples lifestyle, such that there is a lot of ignorance surrounding its Medical properties.
Paparoach says it well in the LAST thread that got locked :
. . . can't we all just enjoy this lifestyle of minitrucks.
I agree . . . and some of these lifestyles INCLUDE those who have family members who are dealing with Cancer issues, pain issues, and other issues that Medical Marijuana is designed to address. So why is that such a horrendous truth that it can't be talked about in here?
As well as in other places on the Internet?
You cannot tell me that willful ignorance is the best course of conduct here.