Been there, done that. Mine was the L5-S1 fusion. TLIF with the rods and screws. They were only able to support the left side, as the right side, the screws stripped out and broke off. This was 12-2010. So I have had time to heal.
Wear that back brace for as long as you can, and NO HEAVY LIFTING!!. Take as many vitamin supplements as you can get your hands on. I recommend the vitamin B complex a.m and afternoon , Vitamin D of course, Silica complex, fish oil, Glucosamine& Chondroitin 3x a day. these all help the joints to rebuild the necessary bone and cushions.
Take it easy for the 1st three to 6 months with just walking and slow windmill stretches and touch the toes. Sit ups come with time but try to strengthen the abba dabba's. 2 years b4 you finally start to feel strong in the back again.
Hopefully you have disability pay to fall back on as it is best to give it time to heal properly. If not, don't let them rush you back to work as you do not wanna screw up that surgery.
Best of luck to you and I will pray for your speedy recovery!
Wellcome to the forum!