Okay so this isn't totally related to mazdas but this is off topic so Wtf here goes...
This last Saturday we had 4 tornadoes touch down near my apartment. There wasn't much damage done from any of these but there was rain. TONS OF RAIN. Living in a drought stricken state like CO we usually love to see rain but this was different. It dropped over 14 inches of rain in less than 30 min and within 1.5 hours it had accumulated about 19-22 inches of rain. Anyways this pertains to me because my apartment is half underground (garden level) and so needless to say I had some flooding, like a lot of flooding I had at least 4 inches of standing water in my place. So onto why I'm sitting here bitching. It took my landlord over 2 days to get people out to look at our place, and all that the "team" of people who deal with flood damage have done is drill holes in my walls, rip out my carpet, and put huge dehumidifiers in my house (and each of which produce more heat than a 500,000 btu heater) and a few fans. That was yesterday. I work nights and so I usually sleep during the day only thing is I can't when I have people coming in and out of my house and the other problem is that my room is literally (no exaggeration) 95-100 degrees. And to top it off they have cut off the water to my place and said that all this work will take no less than a week and a half.
All this combined with having no running water in my place, and losing power daily for several hours, And the insane amount of allergens (I have bad allergies anyways ) has almost driven me insane. And even all that still hadn't pushed me over the edge but this evening my truck, my little b2000, which has been the only thing that has been reliable in my life for quite some time broke the timing belt at work. So after I get a ride home from someone (still haven't figured that part out yet) I get to walk to the parts store and get a t belt (if they have one that is) and then I have to try to sleep in an insanely hot house all while random strangers tear out all my drywall and insulation. Just to find a ride to work early so I can attempt to get my truck running. (that's if I don't have bent valves)
Anyways I'm sorry guys for bitching and complaining but I don't know what else to do... Ya gotta vent u know.
Also I'm not looking for pity or anything I just thought I'd share my frustrations with you all.
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