Hard to hear, live through the choice and may it make you wiser.
In the late '70's- early '80's, I fear to mention how many time I left a good job doing quality assurance, machinist or tool and die work to move to the town and in with a woman I met in a bar, spent the night with and was blinded by lust.
Sometimes one does learn, then there is me.
Leaving my soul mate, first wife, after five years for no good reason, it took twenty years, a lot of the buffet sampling, four more wives before I was blessed enough to find my present wife (number 6) of twenty years. I would be lost without her, but would not have appreciated her over a different path probably.
Life is similar to a river, make a wise choice at every fork, paddle hard when it may not be the right one---- plow ahead, or back paddled, just live through it---- by your choice.
Keeping some money in the bank for incase ALWAYS helped me, gotta make the TransAm payment, turn the utilities on and pay the rent [(rent moving truck, food, of course money to chase another woman (best way to get over one, find another)] when you have to move.