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Mazda Projects \  Mazda for my daughter!!!

Mazda for my daughter!!!

Mazda Projects
views 963
replies 8
following 6
tunameltman   +1y
Well, I found out the other day that my daughter, is obsessed and I do mean OBSESSED with trucks, so a friend of mine, who shall remain nameless unless I'm told otherwise, is donating his old Mazda truck, so when she gets a little older I can teach her to build a mini!!! Then when she turns 18, not 16 but 18 so I know she has a few years of driving under her belt, this truck will be hers! So I got bored today and photochopped something like I would like to do to it, of course the final look of it is up to her. But neways, here it is, and go easy on me cause this is my first time actually using Photo Shop!!!

Here's actual pics!

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Comments??? Let me know what you guys think!!!
lofosho86   +1y
should def be a cool project!!
mrs.projekt94   +1y
What a great thing for you guys to do together. Another lady mini trucker! yeah!!!
farfegnugen   +1y
That's cool.. i wonder who in the hell gave it to ya because i sure want a free truck!
immortal1 (linn)   +1y
Very cool - did the same thing with my older daughter.
crazymikey   +1y

I want the tailgate!
farfegnugen   +1y

To bad... i got it
tunameltman   +1y

Yep he's keeping the tailgate and the doors, BTW Farfegnugen is Mr anonymous, lmao! Thanks again man!!! And she says, thank you too!

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farfegnugen   +1y
lmao. tell her no prob.
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