Well it is all perception. if you like Blond chicks with Big boobs and allot of Cleavage, because it makes you smile and feel good inside, then you would find excitement in sitting at the food court in the mall for several hours and would tell all your friends they missed out.
and in our case if you enjoy meeting with Friends cruising to a spot and eating a little breakfast and shooting the shit or talking shop, then together cruising to another place and meeting with some Strangers that enjoy some resemblance of what you enjoy, and looking at their trucks ever so different but close to the same, then as a group cruising to yet another place and having a really nice Fella offer to take what IMO is Top notch Rag quality Photos of your ride.......
So bring your Butt to a work party and lets form some Strong Bonds in our Community so we can hit Low Down 2010 in force