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Mazda Projects \  Aluminum parts...

Aluminum parts...

Mazda Projects
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maztang (ryan)   +1y
Been very busy lately starting something on the side. Maybe 1 day I will be doing my own thing full time! I have a lot of ideas that are about to be transformed into metal objects so keep an eye out. I don't get on here much anymore so if you want to keep up with what I am building check me out on facebook. I will try to update this periodically. Onto the pics...

83-84 B pillar panel

Believe it or not but all this measuring and crazy shit going on is only going to be a picture frame, one of the baddest picture frames you have ever seen!

Still a lot more to go...

A wagon I am building for the shows, there is a lightening hole everywhere I can put one

Just about go this handle fully welded up tonight but here is an up close pic from a few weeks ago...

My bead roller

My welder

Below the bead roller is my lightening hole (flaring) kit. It goes from 1/2" all the way up to 2.5"
thebeaumartin   +1y
That crap is so dope you gotz ta make me something...
baha   +1y
Congrats on the new venture, everything looks very nice. Let me know if you are interested in a vendor spot.
maztang (ryan)   +1y
You know it Beau, just let me know.

Thanks Baha, I will let you know if this works out.
thebeaumartin   +1y
how bout a aluminum pooper scooper for the dog or a kickass poop paper holder?
maztang (ryan)   +1y
I will build both, they both sounds badass! hahaha Seriously though, I'm gonna build both!
immortal1 (linn)   +1y
LOL, put me down for a custom Maztang pooper scooper! The old plastic one is starting to show its age.

And yes, that is one bad ass picture frame!
v8mazda4ever   +1y
Thats so swet where did you get everything.I have not found a place to get that kinda goodies up here and they dont even want to try and get stuff like this in. LOl
rbriggs   +1y
maztang (ryan)   +1y
hahaha thanks Linn and Rbriggs.

V8 - the aluminum that I have been using so far has all been stuff from work. It was to corroded to use on the aircraft so they were going to scrap it all. It is 2024-T3 but I bought a 4x12 sheet of .050 and a 4x10 sheet of .032 5052 H32 aluminum that I plan on building some insanse stuff out of. I bought all the aluminum from a place locally.