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Mazda Projects \  sucide vs lambo doors

sucide vs lambo doors

Mazda Projects
views 8106
replies 67
following 46
cl (chris)   +1y
Normally I dont like lambo doors but with my truck I think it could work so the question is lambo or sucide?
rutter0907   +1y
personally i like suicide doors, just my 2 cents
madmazda   +1y
Suicide doors all the way, i might leave real hard to Suicide my doors. havent decided yet...
dropitforme   +1y
Definately suicide doors.
pancake   +1y
depends on your taste, I like a nod of the head to the old school and I recognise that it is one of the toughest mods to do properly so I lean towards suicides. swing up doors are cheap, and ghetto in my not so humble opinion. But hey if it's all you can afford then that will play a certain factor also. I would rather do the difficult thing to set my self apart then the simple thing that puts me in with a crowd I find undesirable.
cl (chris)   +1y
its not a money thing just looking for opinions. Why are lambo doors "getto" I am not a big fan of them either but why does something other dont like have to be turned into a cheap, getto, poor guy option?
I think that how mini truckers felt along time ago when hot rodders looked down their noses at our scene. We need to be better than that.
frocashmoney24   +1y
All i know is when i see a truck with lambo doors on it, it makes me want to commit suicide
twisted minis   +1y
Reverse lambo.
pancake   +1y
i answered why they were ghetto in a post very similar to this, I think that mazda chick wrote the origional. they are a cheap option. It all breaks down to structural integrity, cl, we need to be better then taking the silly non flowing option with out rides so we don't go around looking like donks cause they will have about another two years left in them. thank god. but look around for that post you will see what i am talking about. but hanging a hinge off a part of the truck that isn't meant to support torsion/twist not a good idea. Didn't mean to offend, just my $1.50
pancake   +1y
hey i think the post was here