few tricks i've learned working on mazda;s for the last 5 yrs...
1-If you keep your egr pipes hooked up and remove the top of your air box(only the cover) your truck will sound like a civic w/an intake, LOL funny i know and who really cares but if some of you do then this will satisfy your F&F needs, basically it sounds fuel injected instead of carbed. I found this did add power and gitty up to the 8 valve crap box engine... i do not recommend this for rainey or dusty conditions.
2-You can simply cut the pipes at the #1 catilytic convertor and weld them shut, or you can buy a header and it does away with all of the EGR stuff. Pacesetter makes a descent one, it is available in black and a polished like finish, I recommend the polished(jet coated) finish simply because the black headers tend to rust pretty bad.