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Mazda Engine General \  choke?


Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
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draggin84   +1y
my truck runs like a champ for like 5 min. till it gets warmed up and then it slowly starts to choke its self down. it will stay running if you give it gas but it won't idle by its self. any ideas?
hocbj23   +1y
Stock carb?If so take top off air cleaner and check to see if the choke butterfly opens fully when truck is warm.If it is staying closed truck is running too rich and that is why it dies.There is also a small round valve on the side of the carb body with a small lever attached to the butterfly.It is called a pull-off and it is supposed to open the choke as truck warms up.It may not be functioning.Spray carb down with a carb cleaner.That may help.BJ
draggin84   +1y
It is a stock nikki. I was watching the carb. and it looks like the choke never opens. I belive it is running rich because when you first start it is smokes like a lawn mower and you can smell gas really heavy. there is a big round thing on the back of the carb that say rich and lean, it has arrows showing witch way to turn it and marks on the side but it wont turn, I dont know if this is my problem or not.
hocbj23   +1y
That thing as I recall has screws holding it and what it does is adjust tension on the choke.See if there are set screws on it loosen if possible and adjust it lean and see if that doesnt help.BJ
maple50175   +1y
What was the outcome of this man/
draggin84   +1y
that thing on the back of the carb has no screws, but it has wires running to it and i unplugged them and it died immediatly so i guess it working
pont   +1y

Yea it does But just one on the very bottom (I to thought it did not have a screw) but there is one there If you wont ill take a pic and show you were it is just say the word
draggin84   +1y
it does have philips head screw at the bottom of it, so i just back the screw out a little and move it towards the lean side? and not to be mean but what with mazda and their hiding of screws?
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